Thursday, June 17, 2004

Good non-Republican weblogs

I'm pretty sure they're not Republicans, anyway, but they're good mostly because they're funny. First is, a Washington, D.C. gossip column with snarky political humor. Wonkette goes pretty far into the crass humor category, however, so parental discretion is advised - meaning, it's probably inappropriate for my parents.

Next is Pnuthouse, a blog by a law school classmate of mine. The author, Junichi, goes way beyond my attempts at dry humor by including some actual humor in his posts. Among the half-dozens reading this blog are some people who attended my graduation, and they will definitely remember his graduation speech. It looks like Junichi has just started his blog, but unless he's gotten less funny with age, it should be worth reading. I'm giving it a PG-rating though - parents should prepare themselves before viewing.

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